On the road with Apple Vision Pro

Every once in a while a product revolutionises the market, as Steve Jobs said.


And this time it was the Apple Vision that was the new hot toy for the techno geeks and the brand lovers. Priced at around $3,599, the public has embraced the opportunity to bring their digital world into the real world.


These glasses don’t just extend your view of the real world. They also allow you to integrate additional digital displays with a variety of functions, from customising your visual environment to accessing the Internet or enjoying entertainment while remaining aware of what’s in front of you.


Because of the possible short- and medium-term implications, this has provoked a wide range of reactions, from awe and fascination to fear. There is no denying that augmented reality glasses have already arrived on the scene, and it seems that they are here to stay. What remains unclear to us is their potential and how far they can go in the near future.


We cannot deny the impact these technologies have had on social media, where videos have gone viral showing users, for example, using the Apple Vision Pro to perform amazing activities such as DJing. In these videos, users are immersed in a virtual environment where they have the ability to control various aspects of the music, including volume, effects, beats and intensity, as they interact with multiple screens that scroll fluidly from left to right and back again.
